Friday 28 February 2020

Rock dependent extreme microbes that could potentially survive outside our solar system

We recently published a paper in the journal of life, MDPI publishers, which is a scopus indexed journal. Here we have used the indexing metric tool and adjusted its weight exponents mathematically, to check if extreomophiles or microbes which are rock dependent, that could potentially survive on rocky exoplanets.
Exoplanets are basically planets outside our solar system, similar work of tardigrade microbe (or extremophile) was done by our team and it is published in Life sciences in space Research journal, Elsivier publisher. As tardigrade is a water extremophile that could potentially survive on water composition exoplanets.
In order to learn more about this and to know about the names of the rocky extremophiles, read from the link below of the open access journal.

We have obtained some interesting results:

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